Category Archives: Humor

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My IxD Horoscope

I never read horoscopes, but John read this to me today:

Scorpio: (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Creative people come together – it’s a movement. You’re an integral part of this. Your job is to recognize that something important is going on here and see the beauty in this temporal stage.

Q: Could this be about spring or butterflies?

A: No, it’s about aesthetic, effective interaction design (IxD) and the web application conference I’m attending. So check back to my blog to read about important ways to make your web applications beautiful.


Here’s John’s horoscope:

Gemini(May 21-June21). You’re exempt from modern problems, like identity theft or slow Internet connections.

Q: Is this true?

A: Yes. Sharing John’s fast internet connection is just one of the amazing benefits of being Mrs. John Smith.  🙂

“Mom My Ride” Video

Saying this video has anything to do with good interaction design is too big of a stretch, but this video never fails to make me laugh out loud.

This video shows how after market car “designers” customize a minivan for a mother of three kids.